4 Quotes & Sayings By Zal

Zal is a regular contributor for the Blog. He has authored three books: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Real Estate Investing: How to Buy Real Estate and Make Money, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Real Estate Investing: How to Manage and Sell Real Estate and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Real Estate Investing: How to Real Estate Invest and Make Money with Real Estate. He is an accomplished speaker who has spoken at events like the 2011 Real Estate Investors Summit, the 2012 Real Estate Investor Summit, and the 2013 Real Estate Investors Summit.

Choose who to cheer for you, not chase who is...
Choose who to cheer for you, not chase who is cheering for you! Zal
Psychology at best tells us how things are, not how...
Psychology at best tells us how things are, not how they are supposed to be! There is no utopic science. Zal
Psychology at best tells us how things are, not how they are supposed to be! Zal